Strengthening Community Colleges Grant
The Strengthening Community Colleges (SCC) Training Grants Program has aimed to address the
skill development needs of employers by supporting gains to build the workforce.

Partner Systems
Enrich our growing
Insight Analytics
Schools App
Oracle Student Cloud
Blackboard to Banner
Self-Service 9
Ellucian Cross-Registration
Ellucian Experience
Data Warehouse/
BI Tools
New Data Warehouse
Single Sign-on
What is eCampus?
The eCampus platform allows students from across the state of Georgia to enroll in online courses offered by Technical College system of Georgia (TCSG) colleges, expanding access to programs and courses statewide.
How are eCampus courses different from those offered at the local (home) college?
eCampus courses may have a different start date and end date other than courses offered at a home school. Students will not see information specific to their local (home) college as they are enrolled with students from across the state. Otherwise, the experience is the same as any other online course.
Does eCampus support real-time interaction and study groups or only pre-recorded content and solitary learning?
eCampus supports real-time interaction with faculty and student-to-student collaboration. Students may connect using a form of telepresence. Some eCampus courses may have set meeting day(s) and time(s) for synchronous learning.
What are the benefits of eCampus for students?
Students have increased access to courses and programs through eCampus with streamlined resources, flexible scheduling options and convenience leading to faster program completion.
Are there special admissions requirements to use eCampus?
No, students will enroll with their local (home) technical college following the guidelines set forth. Upon completing the admissions process, students will have the opportunity to register for available eCampus courses with guidance from their local college.
Is tuition the same when students only access education online?
Yes, tuition is the same for on-campus and virtual students. Both in-person and online coursework are curated to provide the same competencies.
Is financial aid different for eCampus?
No, financial aid eligibility is determined by local (home) technical college following federal guidelines to review enrollment status.
When is the financial aid deadline for eCampus?
The financial aid priority deadline is set by the local (home) institution and is typically about three months before the term starts for all students, regardless of eCampus status. Any applications received after the priority deadline will be processed in the order they are received. The college will make every effort to process as many applications as possible before the payment deadline, but applications received after the priority deadline may not be finalized in time. Students who apply for financial aid after the priority deadline should be prepared to make payment arrangements in the event that their financial aid is not in place by the payment deadline.
How do students obtain course materials for eCampus classes?
Follow the same protocol with the local (home) college Bookstore or online source to obtain course materials outside of in-class resources.
What technology is needed to use eCampus?
A device that connects to the internet and a reliable internet connection are required. Some courses may have additional software or hardware requirements. Review all course details during registration.
If students do not have reliable internet at home, can they still register for eCampus courses?
Yes. Local colleges will offer access to internet on-campus as well as information for Wi-Fi hotspots strategically placed within the community.
What are digital student IDs and digital credentials?
A single username/password using multi-factor authentication (MFA) that will access a portal to provide tools needed by a student.
How does technical support work for students?
The local (home) college will provide support for authentication issues or Learning Management System (LMS) access. The local college does not provide technical support for personal devices.
What about access to student services such as library resources, tutoring, financial aid or career services guidance?
The local (home) technical college has these resources available. Refer to the college website or student portal for more information.
How do students request accommodations for disabilities?
Connect with the local (home) college’s accessibility services division for assistance.
Can high schools students register for eCampus courses?
Yes, any student enrolled at a local technical college may have the opportunity to register for courses offered via the eCampus platform. Before registering for eCampus courses, high school students should seek guidance from the college’s high school coordinator.
Who has access to student information and data?
All student and course data is protected in compliance with TCSG’s privacy policy and following FERPA, GBLA, and/or other applicable state and federal regulations to protect students, faculty and staff.
How will this tool work for Adult Education students?
Any Adult Education student enrolled at a local technical college in credit earning courses may register for available eCampus sections. Please contact the college’s program administrator for information about options.
Whom should a student contact with additional questions about eCampus?
All students should connect with their local (home) technical college staff for guidance on eCampus and more. Refer to the local college website or student portal for departmental contact details.