Join the Georgia Workforce Team and Dale Cardwell of TrustDale.com as we travel across Georgia in search of Great Georgia Jobs.
Whether you’re just entering the workforce or have reached a turning point in your career, each episode of this new television series will focus on great Georgia jobs and the Georgians who have landed them. From entry into the film industry to obtaining a CDL to drive a big rig, the Great Georgia Jobs team introduces you to the resources and information you need to land YOUR dream job.
The show’s host, Dale Cardwell is a six-time Emmy award-winning investigative reporter. Dale has spent almost 30 years educating consumers to become their own best advocate. The series aired beginning in September of 2021 and will be broadcast in markets across the state.
Episode 1
- WorkSource Georgia Career Services
- Augusta Technical College Cyber Institute
- South Georgia Technical College
- Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
- Techbridge Technology Career Program
- Goodwill of North Georgia Career Centers
- Atlanta Technical College
Episode 2
- WorkSource Georgia Career Services
- King’s Hawaiian Careers
- Central Georgia Technical College
- Georgia Piedmont Technical College
- Adult Education Services (including GED Services)
- West Georgia Technical College
- Eckerd Connects Paxen
Episode 3
- WorkSource Georgia Career Services
- Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
- South Georgia Technical College
- Mercedes-Benz College Automotive Program
- Motorsports Vehicle Technology Program
- Piedmont Technical College Commercial Truck Driving (CDL) Program
Episode 4
- WorkSource Georgia Career Services
- Coastal Pines Technical College Forestry Technology Program
- WorkSource Northeast Georgia
- Athens Technical College Culinary Arts Program
- Georgia Veteran Education Career Transition Resource Center
- Northwest Georgia Technical College Sonography Program
- Wiregrass Georgia Technical College Nursing Program
Episode 1
- WorkSource Georgia
- WorkSource Georgia Career Centers
- WorkSource Coastal
- Savannah Technical College
- Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
- Atlanta Technical College
- Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
Episode 2
- WorkSource Georgia
- UPS-Integrad
- WorkSource Georgia Career Centers
- Center of Innovation for Logistics
- Georgia Piedmont Technical College
- Hope Career Grant
- Construction Education Foundation of Georgia
- Move on When Ready
- Savannah Technical College
- Pell Grant
- Georgia Quick Start
Episode 3
- WorkSource Georgia
- WorkSource Georgia Career Centers
- Governor’s High Demand Career Initiative
- Construction Education Foundation of Georgia
- Construction Ready
- FinTech Atlanta
- Middle Georgia State University
- Georgia Film Academy
- Center of Innovation for Aerospace