Featured: Recap Video of the 2024 Georgia Apprenticeship Summit
What is a Registered Apprenticeship?
A Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is a robust & comprehensive training model that helps employers transform and develop entry-level employees into high-skilled talent. RAPs serve as a strategy for building talent pipelines and retaining skilled employees.
A Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is a work-based learning system that fulfills workforce needs by preparing individuals for skilled trades through paid On-the-Job Learning (OJL) with Related Technical Instruction (RTI).
Most RAPs are completed in 1-4 years, with actual timelines determined by United States Department of Labor (USDOL) guidelines. The Apprentice will participate in Related Technical Instruction (RTI) – which may include online coursework – as well as work alongside a skilled tradesperson for the Employer partner (OJL) on their way to earning a degree, certification, and/or license, in addition to receiving a nationally recognized USDOL credential in their desired skilled trade.
Why Apprenticeships?
Benefits for Business
Highly-skilled employees
Stronger employee retention
Higher productivity
More diverse workforce
Benefits for Workforce
Increased skills
Higher wages
Nationally-recognized credential
Career Advancement & Upward Mobility
A Comprehensive Approach
All RAPs consist of six required components to ensure high-quality training and development of apprentices.

Apprentices are paid employees.

Apprentices learn job-related skills and acquire occupational knowledge.

Apprentices develop and gain mastery of skills.

Apprentices earn as they learn with competitive wage increases.

Each apprentice has a dedicated mentor at their employer.

Apprentices gain a portable, nationally-recognized credentials.
Apprenticeship Grant Opportunities
ASE grant funds have been fully committed and are no longer available to new participants.
Registered Apprenticeships in Georgia
About the Technical College System of Georgia
The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) along with Georgia’s 22 technical colleges serve as the state’s largest network of registered apprenticeship sponsors. Each technical college, in partnership with TCSG’s Office of Workforce Development, can help employers access the support and guidance needed to get a RAP off the ground, including:
- Understanding U.S. Registered Apprenticeship Model
- Identifying Apprenticeable Occupations
- Identifying the approved Training Models (including Work Processes and Technical Instruction Outlines) and assisting with aligning models to employer needs
- Serving as a Liaison with the USDOL Office of Apprenticeship
- Serving as the Apprenticeship Sponsor and Technical Instruction Provider
- Access to Apprenticeship Funding Opportunities

Participating Colleges
- Albany Technical College
- Judy Jimmerson – jjimmerson@albanytech.edu
- Athens Technical College
- Christina Wolfe – cwolfe@athenstech.edu
- Atlanta Technical College
- Lewis Burke – lburke@atlantatech.edu
- Yulonda Darden Beauford – ybeauford@atlantateh.edu
- Augusta Technical College
- Amanda Bylczynski – Amanda.bylczynski@augustatech.edu
- Central Georgia Technical College
- Andrea Griner –agriner@centralgatech.edu
- Dr. Al Harmon – acharmon@centralgatech.edu
- Chattahoochee Technical College
- Jason Tanner – jtanner@chattahoocheetech.edu
- Shane Evans – sevans@chattahoocheetech.edu
- Coastal Pines Technical College
- Kimberly Burgess –kburgess@coastalpines.edu
- Thomas Wesley – twesley@coastalpines.edu
- Columbus Technical College
- Dr. Dahmon King – daking@columbustech.edu
- Jamie Loyd – jloyd@columbustech.edu
- Georgia Northwestern Technical College
- John Gentry- jgentry@gntc.edu
- Georgia Piedmont Technical College
- Alvie Coes – coesa@gptc.edu
- Richard Andrews –andrewsr@gptc.edu
- Gwinnett Technical College
- Casandra Schnautz – cschnautz@gwinnetttech.edu
- Lanier Technical College
- Cory Addison – caddison@laniertech.edu
- North Georgia Technical College
- Adam Fulbright –adam@fulbright@northgatech.edu
- Leslie McFarlin –leslie.mcfarlin@northgatech.edu
- Oconee Fall Line Technical College
- Lee Radney – lradney@oftc.edu
- Ogeechee Technical College
- Jan Moore – jmoore@ogeecheetech.edu
- Savannah Technical College
- Tal Loos – tloos@savannahtech.edu
- South Georgia Technical College
- Paul Farr – pfarr@southgatech.edu
- Southern Cresent Technical College
- Ingrid Rider-Owens –ingrid.owens@sctech.edu
- Irvin Clark – irvin.clark@sctech.edu
- Southeastern Technical College
- Sonya Wilson –swilson@southeasterntech.edu
- Southern Regional Technical College
- Amy Carter – amycarter@southernregional.edu
- West Georgia Technical College
- Steve Cromer – steve.cromer@westgatech.edu
- Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
- Nicole West – nicole.west@wiregrass.edu
This five-part webinar series expands on the basics to explore:
- The value of apprenticeships
- The existing apprenticeship infrastructure at the state and national levels
- Apprenticeship partners and their roles
- Apprenticeship standards, designs, and occupational frameworks
- The series concludes with key resources on Registered Apprenticeships

Apprentice Georgia Team
Brandon Ona
Director of Business Services
Adam Hawk
Assistant Director of Apprenticeships
Danny Mitchell
Apprenticeship Program Manager
Rosalyn Dennis
Apprenticeship Grants & Operations Manager
Brittany Johnson
Apprenticeship Program Development Specialist
Tierra Harris
Apprenticeship Grants Specialist
Winston Oluwole
Apprenticeship Grants Specialist
Tyreece Echols
Apprenticeship Partnership & Outreach Coordinator