The High Demand Career Initiative (HDCI) was launched in 2014. Governor Nathan Deal described the initiative as an opportunity “to allow [Georgia] to hear directly from employers of our state about what they expect their future talent needs will be, and it will give our institutions of education the chance to get ahead of the curve in preparing tomorrow’s workforce.” HDCI is a continuation of the Georgia Competitiveness Initiative, an effort that helped make Georgia the number one state in the nation in which to do business for five consecutive years.

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About HDCI

During the first two years of HDCI, the primary focus of the initiative was to engage the private sector by collecting information about their present and future workforce needs.

HDCI Report

High Demand Career Initiative Report

HDCI Successes

Throughout 2014 & 2015, the HDCI team learned a great deal about the workforce needs of the private sector in Georgia.

HDCI Occupations List

The HDCI Occupations List has been compiled using a combination of labor market data, employer feedback, and collaboration with strategic partners. 

Industry Task Force

The HDCI team is utilizing the information that has been gathered to develop and manage industry-specific task forces.

Sector Partnerships

WorkSource Sector Partnerships are designed to support the development of regional sector partnerships that will work to understand and act on the needs of key regional industries. These sector partnerships engage businesses and inform the educational and workforce development efforts at the regional level.