
SWDB Adult & Dislocated Worker Committee

The Adult and Dislocated Worker Committee (previously Re-Employment Services Committee) is charged with the development of policies and oversight for services available to WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) eligible adult and dislocated workers. These policies provide guidance for WIOA services and activities such as career services, follow-up services, and training services. The committee also oversees policies and procedures that guide services to businesses such as Registered Apprenticeships and support for hiring and training individuals.

Upcoming Meetings

Adult and Dislocated Worker Committee – WebEx Meeting Link:

  • Wednesday, February 12th @ 2 PM
  • Wednesday, May 7th @ 2 PM
  • Wednesday, August 6th @ 2 PM
  • Wednesday, October 15th @ 2 PM

Contact Person: Brandon Ona,

SWDB Apprenticeship Committee

The Apprenticeship Committee is charged with dual roles: (1) serving in an advisory role for the state’s apprenticeship promotion and expansion activities through Apprentice Georgia, and (2) oversight of policies and guidance on the administration of WIOA-funded services for Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs). This committee will recommend WIOA-related apprenticeship policies, review anticipated and published guidance, and provide advice on strategic investment of public funds towards apprenticeships. The committee is comprised of apprenticeship and business leaders along with representation of worker voice. 

Upcoming Meetings

Apprenticeship Committee – Webex Meeting Link:

  • Monday, February 10th @ 2 PM
  • Monday, May 5th @ 2 PM
  • Monday, August 11th @ 2 PM
  • Monday, October 20th @ 2 PM

Contact Person: Brandon Ona,

SWDB Youth Committee

The Youth Committee is charged with the development of policies and programs that benefit Georgia’s youth population. Supported by the OWD Programs and Grants and Strategic Populations teams, this committee reviews state policy directly related to In-School and Out-of-School youth ranging from 14 to 24 years old. Each meeting, committee members are presented with different LWDA spotlights, including success stories, new youth initiatives, and partnerships. Additionally, the Youth Committee receives updates regarding statewide initiatives and programs, including High School Equivalency programs, Youth State Waivers, conference updates, and other related items.

Upcoming Meetings

Youth Committee – Webex Meeting Link:

  • Tuesday, February 11th @ 3 PM
  • Tuesday, May 6th @ 3 PM
  • Tuesday, August 12th @ 3 PM
  • Tuesday, October 21st @ 3 PM

Contact Person: Rossany Rios, Webex Meeting Room link:

SWDB Finance & Performance Committee

The Financial & Performance Committee receives information pertaining to the receipt of WIOA Title I funding and the distribution of those funds to local workforce providers throughout the state. The committee is also charged with utilizing performance data to help drive the decisions before the SWDB, monitoring the State Eligible Training Providers, as well as reviewing the progress and results of the annual LWDA monitoring. This committee oversees the State’s execution of its fiduciary responsibilities to include oversight of spending and reporting processes, as well as monitoring performance of programs and reviewing ETPL and sanctions appeals to make recommendations to the full board. The committee aims to identify opportunities in board engagement to ensure effective operations and continuous improvement of the State’s workforce system.

Upcoming Meetings

Finance and Performance Committee – Zoom Meeting Link:

  • Tuesday, February 11th @ 1:15 PM
  • Tuesday, May 6th @ 1:15 PM
  • Tuesday, August 12th @ 1:15 PM
  • Tuesday, October 21st @ 1:15 PM

Contact Persons:

Finance: Darrien Moore,

Compliance: James Thomas,

Executive Committee

Executive Committee Summaries:

The Executive Committee is made up of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, and committee heads of the SWDB Committees. The Executive Committee takes up the actions of the subject matter committees and votes to add the actions to the SWDB full board meeting.

When necessary, the Executive Committee can act on behalf of SWDB. However, in most circumstances, a motion will go before a subject matter committee, the Executive Committee, followed by the full board before it is adopted.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Friday, February 14th @ 9 AM
  • Friday, May 9th @ 9 AM
  • Wednesday, August 13th @ 9 AM
  • Wednesday, October 22nd @ 9 AM

Webex Meeting Link:

OR Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388, Meeting ID: 795 726 370

Contact Person: Nia King,