What is IET?Forms, Procedures and TemplatesIET Recorded WebinarsFY22 IET TrainingOther IET Training Additional Resources FAQs
Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs help adults who lack basic skills, relevant occupational skills, and essential workplace skills to attain the competencies and credentials needed for in-demand careers. All providers receiving AEFLA funds in Georgia must have ongoing IETs in every quarter of the fiscal year. What are Adult Education and Literacy Activities? WIOA defines “adult education and literacy activities” as programs, activities, and services that include: (a) adult education, (b) literacy, (c) workplace adult education and literacy activities, (d) family literacy activities, (e) English language acquisition activities, (f) integrated English literacy and civics education, (g) workforce preparation activities, or (h) integrated education and training. (§463.30) WIOA requires that the services of IET be provided concurrently and contextually, meaning that the adult education and literacy activities, workforce preparation activities, and workforce training activities are:
- Each of sufficient intensity and quality
- Based on the most rigorous research available, particularly with respect to improving reading, writing, mathematics, and English proficiency of eligible individuals
- Simultaneously occurring within the overall scope of the IET program
- Using occupationally relevant instructional materials
IET: Beyond the Basics in IET – Building Capacity
- Beyond the Basics in IET – Building Capacity focuses on connecting and examining career pathways with strengthening student exploration of opportunities in high-demand industries (HDI).
- Presentation (PDF)
- Recording link
- It Starts at the Beginning: Mapping Career Pathways focuses on engaging students during the registration and orientation process by focusing on creating career maps to aid in identifying the various jobs and training required for high-demand careers.
- Presentation (PDF)
- Recording link
- Establishing Program Identity and Promoting Program Services focuses on the importance of creating a brand and promoting the local program and IET opportunities.
- Presentation (PDF)
- Recording link
- Considerations for Partnerships and Funding focuses on the importance of establishing formal structures and memoranda of agreements to govern partnerships, accountability practice, and funding sources.
- Presentation (PDF)
- Recording link
- FY22 Approval Forms and Implementation Procedures focus on establishing an approved form and procedures to implement and maintain IET programs in compliance with federal and state requirements.
- Presentation (PDF)
- Recording link
Starting in FY22, IET resources and webinars will be posted under the OAE Blackboard course, FY22 Integrated Education and Training, which is available for self-enrollment for all OAE-funded Adult Education program personnel. Contact your Blackboard sub-administrator if you need assistance enrolling in this course.
FY22 Webinar Schedule
- Celebrating FY21 Successes – August 18, 2021, 1:30-3:00 pm
- Reviewing the Data & Needs Assessments – September 15, 2021, 1:30-3:00 pm
- Going Beyond the Step One: Partner Involvement – November 17, 2021, 1:30-3:00 pm
- Apprenticeship, Employer-Sponsored, and Private Sector Training – January 19, 2022, 1:30-3:00 pm
- Single Set of Learning Objectives – March 23, 2022, 1:30-3:00 pm
- End of Year & New Fiscal Year Updates and Requirements – May 18, 2022, 1:30-3:00 pm
IET Reporting in GALIS: If you are responsible for entering training records into GALIS, the IET Reporting Training Course will provide you the information you need. To get started, log in to your adult education Blackboard account and self-enroll into the FY22 Data Collection and GALIS Training course. Then select Course 1: IET Reporting from the menu. The course is asynchronous, so you can move at your own pace. Complete the assessment at the end to receive your certificate.
FAQs Document Download