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FY21 Technically Speaking – Teacher Verification Model (Recording link | PPT Presenation)

Whether it be a rural area with issues accessing viable internet or an urban area where students lack the needed technology to participate in virtual instruction, some students may be best served with print-based materials. What resources should be used for distance education packets and how can student contact hours be counted? The focus of this session will be Using the Teacher Verification Model (TVM) to Serve Students and Count Student Contact Hours. During this session, presenters will review and hone in on critical aspects of the TVM, showcase what other states and Georgia programs are doing with the TVM, and discuss how the efforts of each program can benefit all programs.

FY21 Technically Speaking – Teacher Verification Model: Keep it Simple! (Recording link | PPT Presentation)

The session will once again focus on Using Teacher Verification Model (TVM) to Serve Students and Count Student Contact Hours. Three local programs will share how they’ve adopted and are using the TVM to offer instruction to students (ABE, ESL, and IET) who lack the needed technology resources to be served virtually. Also, Southern Regional Technical College will provide an update on their work with the TVM.

TCSG Adult Education