Q: What occupations can be apprenticed?
A: Generally, any occupation that requires in-depth training can be apprenticeable. The US Department of Labor has over 1000 apprentice occupations and, when applicable, new occupation types can be initiated.
Q: What is the length of a typical apprenticeship program?
A: The length of an apprenticeship program depends on the occupation and program model (time-based, competency-based, or hybrid). Apprenticeship programs require at least 2000 hours (one year) of on the job training and 144 hours of related classroom instruction for each 2000 hours of work. Generally, apprenticeship program duration is 2-4 years.
Q: Who determines how much an apprentice is paid?
A: Employers set the apprentice wage based on industry standards, building in incremental wage increases that coincide with employee performance proficiency. The average starting wage for an apprentice is approximately $15.00 per hour.
Q: Am I required to offer apprentices a full-time job after they complete their apprenticeship term?
A: While the apprentice programs are intended to help employers grow their workforce and employees to move into full time skilled positions, there is no contractual obligation to hire an apprentice.
Q: Are all Registered Apprenticeships union-based?
A: No. Apprenticeships operate in union and non-union workplaces.
Q: What costs associated with Registered Apprenticeship may be considered for eligible clients through the Workforce Development System?
A: Funds for tuition, books, supplies, uniforms, tools and other items may be covered for eligible participants. Outreach, recruitment, supportive services, on-the-job-training and customized training funds may also be available. Contact Georgia WorkSmart for details.