During the first two years of HDCI, the primary focus of the initiative was to engage the private sector by collecting information about their present and future workforce needs. By hosting 17 public meetings throughout the state, which included more than 120 employers, the HDCI team heard a clear and consistent message regarding workforce needs in Georgia:

“An effectively trained workforce is essential to the sustainability of Georgia businesses.”

-Georgia Employers

The map below shows the locations of the HDCI meetings in 2014 & 2015. A range of in-demand and difficult-to-fill positions were identified, along with essential workforce skills that are difficult to find in potential employees. Participating companies identified 162 unique high-demand careers and 96 unique high-demand skills and attributes.

Through those discussions, the data and information collected has equipped the HDCI team in providing a clear depiction of statewide workforce needs that has helped influence statewide policy and programming. The information obtained from the HDCI meetings was published in the High Demand Career Initiative Report, which was released in December 2014. The report highlights themes, common trends across the state, and industry-specific needs and issues. The report serves as a key planning document for USG and TCSG institutions, workforce development boards, K-12 education (e.g. Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education; College and Career Academies, etc.), and other training partners.

Starting in 2016, the focus of HDCI was shifted and split into two separate tracks: HDCI Sector Partnerships and HDCI Industry Task Forces. You can learn more about these efforts by clicking on the links to access their respective pages.

The goal of HDCI, since its launch, has been to develop an infrastructure of communication and collaboration between the public and private sectors. The regional partnerships and task forces are investments in continuing that work.

HDCI Map of Locations